Rigamajig has transformed the smART Space gallery at Science Museum Oklahoma into a maker space! Our visitors create both abstract, conceptual designs & literal, utilitarian objects. From a kinetic excavator to an elevator to the clouds, it's all possible with Rigamajig.
Alyson Atchison
Director. smART Space, Science Museum Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, OK
Rigamajig allows our students to dream big. They believe that they can solve any problem they encounter!
Davina Allen
Tech Integration Specialist, Jesse Owens Community Academy
Chicago, IL
When teachers use Rigamajig to enrich their STEM curriculum, kids are more thoughtful problem solvers and can see concepts such as forces and motion play out in their creations.
Bethany Rowlee
Special Education Teacher, Belleaire Elementary School
Bellevue, NE
Our children can't wait to use the Rigamajigs. As we talk about math or engineering, the children have no idea they’re learning from something they love working with.
Tina Quirk
Regional Director, YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit
Detroit, MI
Rigamajig inspires a child's natural curiosity and provides them with an opportunity to exercise their creativity. It’s fun for all!
Dena R. Milliron
Curator of Education, i.d.e.a Museum
Mesa, AZ
Through hands-on activities with Rigamajig, our students are exposed to STEM in a positive way. They express far more interest in learning about STEM subjects and careers than ever before.
Megan Coppiellie
Teacher, Maybury Elementary School
Detroit, MI
After using Rigamajig for several weeks, my students' communication and collaborative skills have increased tremendously. I've received more authentic creations and more finished products.
Katesa Neal
Teacher, Helen M. Hefferan STEAM School
Chicago, IL
With Rigamajig, kids become more aware of patterns and use their creativity. These skills will allow them to learn more actively and be open-minded.
Kristen Tongue
Grant Writer, William J. Oakes Branch Boys & Girls Club
San Diego, CA
Students interacting with Rigamajig immediately become engineers, sometimes without even knowing it. Once we explain the type of activity they participated in and the careers that relate to it, they’re excited to learn more.
Lauren McMurtray
Assistant Director of Development, Mississippi Children's Museum
Jackson, MS
Rigamajig has certainly complemented the children's STEM learning. They love playing, creating, and building. And they share their excitement with their parents!
Catherine Pittman Smith
Director, Foundations Early Learning & Family Center
Fairfield, AL
Rigamajig draws them in. Without realizing it, they’re not only working on their communication skills, but their executive function skills, impulse control, and social-emotional awareness, too.
Jen Amos
Speech Pathologist, Carroll School